с безопасность нет проблем (нет безопасности-нет проблем)
вот чтобы об этом намекнуть начальству и самому быть уверенным, хочу точно узнать, подключался кто или нет
в логе куча записей, куда смотреть, что укажет на однозначное удаленное подключение?
я гуглил, толком ничего не нашел
[spoiler]Start: 2015/10/29 14:58:59.062 (UTC+6:00)
Version: 9.0.41110
ID: 873260247
Loglevel: Info (100)
License: 10000
Server: master8.teamviewer.com
IC: -1212594559
CPU: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13, GenuineIntel
CPU extensions: v8
OS: WinXP (32-bit)
MID: u03000200040005000006000700080009002522d37dd57087e1a1732f9f99edf7303219f1face
MIDv: 1
Proxy-Settings: Type=1 IP= User=
IE: 6.0.2900.5512
AppPath: C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version9\TeamViewer_Service.exe
UserAccount: SYSTEM
2015/10/29 14:58:59.109 984 1124 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Antivirus_Policy empty
2015/10/29 14:58:59.109 984 1868 S0 Using IPC-Port 5939
2015/10/29 14:58:59.109 984 1868 S0 SHMR: Initializing shared memory.
2015/10/29 14:58:59.125 984 1868 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2015/10/29 14:58:59.125 984 1868 S0 TeamViewer is going online!
2015/10/29 14:58:59.125 984 1868 S0 CAntiMalwareController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
2015/10/29 14:58:59.125 984 732 S0 StartWT.Listening P=5938
2015/10/29 14:58:59.140 984 1188 S0 KeepAliveThread started
2015/10/29 14:58:59.218 984 1868 S0 API: The API is not registered with Windows.
2015/10/29 14:58:59.437 984 1188 S0 CT2 CT.Send.CMD_PING From=873260247 To=0 L=4
2015/10/29 14:58:59.562 984 1188 S0 CT2 CT.Receive.CMD_PINGOK From=0 To=873260247 L=4
2015/10/29 14:58:59.703 984 1188 S0 NetWatchdog: Ping successful!
2015/10/29 14:58:59.703 984 1188 S0 NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2015/10/29 14:58:59.734 984 1188 S0 Resource-Language:ru
2015/10/29 14:58:59.937 984 1188 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=873260247 To=0 L=690
2015/10/29 14:59:00.078 984 1188 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=873260247 L=336
2015/10/29 14:59:00.078 984 1188 S0 CT3 CT.Disconnect
2015/10/29 14:59:00.078 984 1188 S0 MC.L addonchannels=0&ckaportsenabled=0&client=TV&commercial=1&f=Login&gw=1&gwlevel=431&hideonlinestatus=0&httpout=1&ic=-1212594559&id=873260247&iguid={c1ff7289-1d33-49d1-8f70-ffc4d75525b6}&keepalive=1&language=ru&lastkeepaliveperformance=|u03000200040005000006000700080009002522d37dd57087e1a1732f9f99edf7303219f1face&midv=1&noofactivekeepalive=0&os=WinXP&port443out=0&rhash={cfdb2130-855e-0be9-57f4-8d774f667e6c}&runtime=1&smidv=1&sro=0&supportedfeatures=934280157&tcpin= - 0#OK_10000_-_2__92.51.156.82:5938_34143_1_-1_0.0.0.0__178.77.120.105_178.77.120.104_0_873260247_1_0_0_0_64749433__37.252.225.67,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2015/10/29 14:59:00.093 984 1188 S0 CT4 CT.TM_WaitAtGateway. - CT4 - S3
2015/10/29 14:59:00.093 984 1188 S0 CT4 CT.Connect to TeamViewer Router
2015/10/29 14:59:00.218 984 1188 S0 CT4 CT.Connected
2015/10/29 14:59:00.234 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Run
2015/10/29 14:59:00.234 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=873260247 To=0 L=32
2015/10/29 14:59:00.234 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_REQUESTKEEPALIVE2 From=873260247 To=0 L=24
2015/10/29 14:59:00.375 984 2060 S0 CT4 Activating support for ccmdV2
2015/10/29 14:59:00.375 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_SESSIONID From=0 To=873260247 L=8
2015/10/29 14:59:00.390 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_IDENTIFY From=0 To=873260247 L=32
2015/10/29 14:59:00.421 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 14:59:00.421 984 2060 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/10/29 14:59:00.421 984 2060 S0 CKeepAliveThreadServer::SyncClients(): Clients:
2015/10/29 14:59:00.421 984 2060 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=74
2015/10/29 14:59:00.468 984 2060 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/10/29 14:59:00.468 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=873260247 To=248406367 L=32
2015/10/29 14:59:00.609 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=248406367 To=873260247 L=123
2015/10/29 14:59:00.609 984 2060 S0 TVRouterClock: received router time: 20151029T085851.574703
2015/10/29 14:59:00.609 984 2060 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 43200 seconds
2015/10/29 14:59:00.609 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=873260247 To=248406367 L=655
2015/10/29 14:59:00.750 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=248406367 To=873260247 L=1039
2015/10/29 14:59:00.781 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=873260247 To=248406367 L=1373
2015/10/29 14:59:00.937 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=248406367 To=873260247 L=1788
2015/10/29 14:59:00.984 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=873260247 To=248406367 L=776
2015/10/29 14:59:01.125 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=248406367 To=873260247 L=778
2015/10/29 14:59:01.140 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=873260247 To=248406367 L=153
2015/10/29 14:59:01.265 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=248406367 To=873260247 L=171
2015/10/29 14:59:01.265 984 2060 S0 AsyncMessaging::UnregisterAtAsyncMessageProvider(): Unregister successful
2015/10/29 15:00:38.812 984 1024 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=0, statusCode=WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT
2015/10/29 15:00:38.828 984 1024 S0!! CTerminalServer::RepeatedlyCheckForUserLogin() User not logged in, Errorcode=1245
2015/10/29 15:00:39.296 984 1024 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=0, statusCode=WTS_SESSION_LOGON
2015/10/29 15:00:39.359 984 1024 S0 CTerminalServer::getPathToApplicationExe(): Choosing standard filename.
2015/10/29 15:00:39.359 984 1024 S0 CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() Filename for GUI process is C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version9\TeamViewer.exe
2015/10/29 15:00:40.625 984 1024 S0 CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() GUI process 2940 started for user infiniti\master in session 0
2015/10/29 15:00:40.625 984 1024 S0 CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() Event 5 sent to GUI.
2015/10/29 15:00:53.031 984 260 S0 CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
2015/10/29 15:00:53.453 984 260 S0 CInterProcessNetwork::SetDyngateIDforSession() id=873260247 session=0 ptype=2
2015/10/29 15:00:53.453 984 260 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2015/10/29 15:00:54.656 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:54.656 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:54.781 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:54.781 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:41.125 2940 2944 G0 Logger started.
2015/10/29 15:00:43.921 2940 2944 G0!! CHttpRedirectionProtocol: UrlMonLateBinding couldn't be initialized, needs at least IE7 to work
2015/10/29 15:00:43.921 2940 2944 G0!! CHttpRedirectionProtocol::Register failed with 0x80004005
2015/10/29 15:00:48.359 2940 2944 G0 Monitors: Модуль подключения монитора, \\.\DISPLAY1, 1280x1024 (0,0), flags=0
2015/10/29 15:00:50.734 2940 2944 G0 CMain::LoadResourceDLLs(): No custom resource dll found
2015/10/29 15:00:53.031 2940 2944 G0 Opening local TCP connection to
2015/10/29 15:00:53.031 2940 2944 G0 Local TCP connection established
2015/10/29 15:00:53.531 2940 2944 G0 Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2015/10/29 15:00:53.531 2940 2944 G0 Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2015/10/29 15:00:53.531 2940 2944 G0 Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2015/10/29 15:00:55.156 2940 2944 G0 MachineHooks: Initialized Shm
2015/10/29 15:00:55.156 2940 2944 G0 MachineHooks: refcount = 1
2015/10/29 15:00:55.156 2940 2944 G0 MachineHooks: w32 Loader is starting
2015/10/29 15:00:56.484 984 260 S0 InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 3656
2015/10/29 15:00:56.671 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::Init() Version-URL: download.teamviewer.com/download/update/ Update-URL: download.teamviewer.com/download/update/
2015/10/29 15:00:56.734 3656 3660 L32 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version9\tv_w32.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version9\TeamViewer9_Logfile.log
2015/10/29 15:00:56.781 3656 3660 L32 Starting Loader
2015/10/29 15:00:55.156 2940 2944 H32 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x2f10000, refcnt = 1)
2015/10/29 15:00:55.156 2940 2944 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x2f10000, refcnt = 2)
2015/10/29 15:00:57.546 2940 3540 G0 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2015/10/29 15:00:57.875 2940 2944 G0 IntroScreen: not available because IE version is too old
2015/10/29 15:00:58.578 2940 2944 G0 Tray created!
2015/10/29 15:00:58.640 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=873260247 ka=1 lanAllowed=1 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=1
2015/10/29 15:00:58.640 2940 2944 G0 P_FORCE_WINSTATE_ONCE = WinState_Undefined
2015/10/29 15:00:58.640 2940 2944 G0!! ServerControl: RegisterPowerSettingNotification failed with error 0
2015/10/29 15:00:58.640 2940 3160 G0 IDLabelContent::UpdateImpl() IDs changed: SessionID "873260247", TSUserID "0", ServerID "0"
2015/10/29 15:00:59.156 2940 3716 G0! CoreAudioSystemMixer::EnumerateDevices MMDeviceEnumerator failed with error = 80040154
2015/10/29 15:00:59.218 2940 3716 G0 AudioDriver: Initializing Direct Sound 8
2015/10/29 15:00:59.515 2940 3744 G0 AudioDriver: Thread Running
2015/10/29 15:00:59.515 2940 3716 G0 AudioDriver: Direct Sound Initialized
2015/10/29 15:00:59.734 2940 2944 G0 AudioDriver: using rec dev 'Realtek HD Audio Input', 'RtkHDAud.sys', id 0
2015/10/29 15:00:59.734 2940 2944 G0 AudioDriver: using play dev 'Realtek HD Audio output', 'RtkHDAud.sys', id 0
2015/10/29 15:00:59.750 2940 2944 G0 API: The API is not registered with Windows.
2015/10/29 15:00:59.750 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.750 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.750 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.750 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.750 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.750 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.796 2940 3540 G0 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2015/10/29 15:00:59.937 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.937 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.937 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.937 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.937 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:00:59.937 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 15:10:57.796 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=352172)
2015/10/29 15:10:57.796 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 15:24:57.796 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=322281)
2015/10/29 15:24:57.796 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 15:29:29.062 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 15:41:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=344437)
2015/10/29 15:41:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 15:45:41.984 984 2060 S0! S3 NC.Read.Failed5 EC=10054
2015/10/29 15:45:41.984 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.Reconnecting nc_ret=-1
2015/10/29 15:45:41.984 984 2060 S0! CT4 CConnectionThread::ReconnectInternal: Trying Reconnect
2015/10/29 15:45:41.984 984 2060 S0!! CloseSocketSafely(): recv failed with error code: 10054, Errorcode=10054
2015/10/29 15:45:42.125 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_RECONNECT_TO_SESSION From=873260247 To=248406367 L=8
2015/10/29 15:45:42.250 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_RECONNECT_TO_SESSION_ANSWER From=248406367 To=873260247 L=4
2015/10/29 15:45:42.250 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::ReconnectInternal: Received positive answer from server
2015/10/29 15:45:42.250 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::DoReconnect(): Reconnect performed successful.
2015/10/29 15:45:42.250 984 2060 S0 CT4 CT.Receive reconnect succeeded
2015/10/29 16:00:24.859 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 16:03:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=349093)
2015/10/29 16:03:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 16:29:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=301265)
2015/10/29 16:29:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 16:30:43.984 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 16:51:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=352734)
2015/10/29 16:51:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 17:01:00.359 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 17:01:00.484 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 17:01:00.484 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 17:17:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=325750)
2015/10/29 17:17:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 17:31:19.687 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 18:01:38.812 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 18:32:02.031 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 19:01:01.171 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 19:01:01.296 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 19:02:51.546 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 19:08:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=316718)
2015/10/29 19:08:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 19:33:10.671 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 20:03:29.796 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 20:33:48.921 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 20:40:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=327546)
2015/10/29 20:40:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 21:01:02.140 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 21:01:02.265 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 21:04:42.765 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 21:35:03.234 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 22:05:23.562 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 22:35:43.468 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 23:01:03.125 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 23:01:03.312 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/29 23:06:34.359 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/29 23:31:57.875 2940 2944 G0 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=340156)
2015/10/29 23:31:57.875 2940 2944 G0 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1429021131, AdminRights=1
2015/10/29 23:36:54.781 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/30 00:07:14.187 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/30 00:37:33.437 984 2060 S0 CT4 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 873260247 248406367
2015/10/30 01:01:10.187 984 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/30 01:01:11.875 984 2060 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/10/30 01:01:27.656 2940 3604 G0!! LoadfromURL: URL
https://client.teamviewer.com/taf/index.aspx?language=ru&tvModul=1&tvVersion=9.0.41110%20&os=Win&osVersion=WinXP&accId=0&clientId=873260247&cType=0&license=10000&dps=%5b%201%2c%202%2c%203%2c%204%2c%205%2c%206%2c%207%2c%208%2c%209%2c%2010%20%5d&jVer=2&oem=&canupdate=0&hadcomcon=0&clientic=-1212594559 failed. Using Proxy: 0, CURLcode: 28 exception: Operation timed out after 281 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
2015/10/30 01:01:28.468 2940 3604 G0! Communication with
https://client.teamviewer.com/taf/index.aspx timed out.
2015/10/30 10:19:39.406 1124 1972 0 Logger started.
2015/10/30 10:19:45.890 1124 1972 0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2015/10/30 10:19:46.609 1124 1972 0 QueryVPNRegKey: Subkey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000' (1) has no 'MatchingDeviceID' entry. Continuing...
2015/10/30 10:19:46.687 1124 1972 S0 DesiredServices: waiting for service rpcss
2015/10/30 10:19:47.187 1124 1972 S0 DesiredServices: waiting for service winmgmt[/spoiler]